How I get away with Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting analysis or Graphology is a real science in spite of what most people think. To not consider handwriting analysis a science would be to disregard Psychology. Because at the end of the day handwriting analysis is also the study of behavior that is a manifestation of what’s within. 

While pursuing my degree in psychology I had stumbled upon this science. And it had intrigued me enough to go to the college library and pick up a book on graphology. I was lazy enough to not finish the book but it always stayed at the back of my head. I had deviated  my interest into studying fonts and what they convey. Which is like a sister study of handwriting analysis.

During my masters I had conducted a brand study of three brands that had revamped their brand logo and brand typeface. I was interested to see how the change in the font or typeface changed their personality in the market. How they communicated differently through their different typeface and there was a significant difference.

So I don’t have to prove any further on the credibility of the science. However I have had my own fun with this field. When I introduce myself as a Psychology graduate I often get asked if I can read minds, I usually laugh and shrug in response. But this one time, I responded saying, “I can’t read minds but I can read your handwriting and tell you something interesting about you.”

That caught on, for a long time. In my defense I always admitted to them that I made up the facts. While there is some credibility to the parameters I used, like the sizes of the letters, the alignment of the words, etc. I confessed I make all of it up but my sportive audience would ask me to go ahead anyway.

So hence I began this activity where I would look at people’s handwriting and tell them about themselves. The trick is to tell them what they want to hear. And that ladies and gentleman is not very hard to find.

As humans we are all wired to wish for some general desires. We all want to be perceived as complicated and layered. We all want to believe we are smarter and more intuitive than what our appearance say. We all innately want to hear – “I know you care more than what you show.” These are the feel good things we like to hear about ourselves that makes us relate to our humanity or rather humanness.

Then there are the insecurities which is how we relate ourselves to others. Here I tread carefully and tell them about how they relate to others if they like to be in their own company and or in the company of others. I do this by evaluating the spaces in between characters and the words in the sentences.

I also make a wild guess about their social life on how tightly knit their friendships or relationships are. It’s a hunch, but I am usually right. And lastly on how much they care about others’ approval by the presentation of their handwriting.

We humans, no matter how much we try to pretend that there is more substance to us, in the core we are all wired the same way. It is to be noted I only conclude all these things about their handwriting when I have known the person for a while. It is not always true or accurate but the people leave with a surprised look or smiles on their faces.

Handwriting analysis is an interesting study, there are also findings to prove that changing your handwriting will help bring about a change in your personality. Do read up about and tell me what you think.


Here are some links to get you started –



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